Course Overview
This course is designed for staff across Housing, Health, and Social Care settings who are designated as Emergency First Aiders at Work. It meets the requirements set by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and HSENI (Northern Ireland) and is suitable for workplaces where a risk assessment identifies the need for Emergency First Aiders.
Learners will acquire the skills and knowledge to provide prompt, safe, and effective emergency first aid, supporting both colleagues and service users in line with their job role. The course involves practical activities, group discussions, and a final multiple-choice assessment.
Upon successful completion, participants receive a fully accredited certificate valid for 3 years. The HSE and HSENI recommend a 3-hour annual refresher. Training is delivered through face-to-face instruction, interactive scenarios, and practical use of first aid equipment, including manikins and an AED.
This course is developed and mapped to current occupational standards, qualification frameworks, and the following key documents:
Aims & Objectives
Duration: 7 hours
Learning Objectives:
Booking Options